Do not disturb the wound. If a bracket was placed, leave it alone. The bracket assists with keeping the tooth exposed and should stay in the area that Dr. Reisman placed it. If the bracket falls off please contact the office as soon as possible.
Following the procedure, it is normal to have some bleeding for up to 24 hours. It is also normal to have redness in the saliva for a few days. If you are experiencing excessive bleeding, it can generally be controlled by biting on a gauze pad provided by our office for 30 minutes (unless told otherwise after the procedure). If the bleeding is still not able to be controlled, please call our office for further instructions.
Swelling is normal after surgery and can be minimized by applying an ice pack to the affected area for 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off for 48 hours.
Directly following surgery all foods and liquids should be cold and/or room temperature and soft. Please avoid hot foods or liquids for a few hours after surgery. Most patients can return to a normal diet as soon as the next day unless told otherwise by Dr. Reisman.
Pain medication should be as taken as soon as possible and AFTER (at least 20-30 minutes) you eat. Please follow pain control regimen given by Dr. Reisman and his staff. If there are questions regarding over the counter medication or prescribe medication dosage, please call the office.
Oral Hygiene:
Beginning the day after surgery, be sure to continue with regular oral hygiene regimens (brushing and flossing twice a day). After every meal a warm salt water rinse can be used to assists with cleansing the area. Not keeping the area clean can result in a post-operative infection.
Keep physical activities to a minimum after your procedure. If you experience throbbing, bleeding or feel light headed when physical activity is reintroduce, you should stop immediately.